Sunday, July 28, 2013

Getting Fuji Xerox Centreware Internet Services to include new staff email address

A new staff just joined a client's firm, and while trying to add the new user's email address, I spent a good 10-mins trying to figure out where to get the address book entry changed.

As such, not to repeat this kind of problem, I am posting a guide for my own future reference.

The Steps:

  1. login to centreware using IE. I tried using Chrome, sorry, just had no inspiration to locate it. Use IE.
  2. login using administrator username and password, usually 11111 for username, and x-admin for password.
  3. go to properties, look at services, go to email and find public address book.
  4. unfortunately, you can't just change the addresses from here, you'll have to download the CSV file, edit it using excel, then save it, after which... you may import the file back to the copier.
  5. should you encounter problem with the downloading or importing, please ensure that all services are exited from the copier, it's set to sleep mode and no one else is using the copier for scan/copy/fax/print.
Good Luck!

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