Friday, May 10, 2013

Converting a local old Machine to a Virtual Box compatible VM (VHD)

Client told me that they need to change PC, but has an old Accpac 4.0 that need to run only on XP. Plus without a valid maintenance contract, the vendor wants to charge them about 100bucks just to install the application. How? Need to change PC but don't want to spend too much money.

This is a step-by-step guide in how to virtualize a Windows XP or Windows 7 into a virtual machine so that users can run the Windows Virtual machine in Virtual Box. The steps are very important or you might possibly run into problems.

Tools needed:
1) USB Ext Disk 500GB
2) Disk2VHD (latest edition), i think v 1.4
3) Virtual Box 4.22
4) plenty of time

Phase 1 - virtualize the current machine
a) just run the disk2vhd
b) virtualize to a USB disk instead of local disk or D drive. it's safer and better
c) ensure that no running processes are in the system. close all running programs
d) ensure that all windows xp and 7 patches are installed and system is just restarted before the program is run.
e) proceed with the virtualizing to VHD format

Phase 2 - install virtualbox onto the new system
a) proceed with default installation and follow all steps
b) no special configuration is needed for virtual box

Phase 3 - Setup VHD and Virtualbox
this is complicated, pls follow carefully:
a) make network card to be bridged onto the physical network adapter
b) configure VM name carefully with the Upper cap and lower cap accordingly when creating a new VM.
c) set ram size to 512mb, and leave everything as default
d) create shortcut of the VM to the desktop for ease of access
e) when closing the VM, set to save the state
f) if there's a problem with auto-restarts all the time, do note to delete this file in c:\windows\system32\drivers\intelppm.sys, just delete that file in SAFE MODE of the VM, and restart. should solve the problem. happened to me several times when setting up the Windows XP VM on different machines, especially when I transfer the VM from 1 machine to another.
g) configure PC name to be (host pc name)-xp or (host pc name)-vm. Eg, mcsfin-pc01-xp
h) install the virtual box add-on tool VM add-on. you must configure the ISO image to be mounted. this is important for the sync of video and mouse

I think this is it! Everything should work as per norm. Will update again if there's things to add.

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